“Gartner says that by the year 2020, 25% of the organizations across the globe would be deploying a Conversational AI Interface (a chatbot)”. (1)

Customer service is shifting from phone to online, and users want a quick and easy way to ask simple (or complex) questions during their online browsing experience.
How do you know if your business could benefit from a chatbot? There are a few basic indicators that will allow you to look at your company and see if you need a chatbot.

  1. You are asked the same question by many users, multiple times a week. Chatbot technology allows you to automate popular answers that are asked of your website visitors. This allows for a quick response and decreases the need for phone support.
  2. Conversion rate could be better. If you notice high shopping cart abandonment, it could be due to a simple question that can’t be found on your website or the user doesn’t have time (or the want) for phone support.
  3. You have an e-commerce website. “E-consultancy research conducted a survey with online shoppers where 83% of the respondents shared that they would be more likely to complete the sale if they had some sort of chat assistance provided to them.” (2)

According to Hubspot:

“79% of customers prefer live chat over email or social media due to its immediacy. Companies can speak to up to 6 customers at once, in a matter of minutes. However, it should take less than 48 seconds for companies to respond to a live chat request. After all, the easier it is to respond to a customer, the faster they will expect that response”. (3)
First Step:
Analyze your website data – specifically your FAQ page exits and duration, also your cart abandonment. Talk to your phone support team to see if they receive redundant questions. Create a user poll on website experience. If you feel it’s time for a chatbot, contact our team today. We’d be happy to explore options for you.
1. acquire.io/blog/5-signs-your-business-needs-a-chatbot/
2. haptik.ai/blog/signs-your-business-needs-chatbot/
3. blog.hubspot.com/service/social-media-response-time