Digital marketing is a broad term that covers a variety of strategies used to reach customers online. It encompasses everything from search engine optimization (SEO) and content creation to social media marketing and digital advertising.

Here are some of the key facets of digital marketing and what they do:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO involves optimizing webpages and content so that they rank higher in search engine results. This helps to increase visibility and drive more organic traffic to your website. Our custom websites all have on-page SEO integrated into the website. We feel that On-Page SEO and Design should always go hand-in-hand, and work together throughout the course of the project.


Content Creation:

Content creation involves creating content such as blog posts, articles, videos, and graphics that help to engage users, build relationships, and promote products and services. Google prefers to send users to websites that are updated frequently, to give the users the best experience possible. In addition to adding content to your website, these “assets” can be used for your social media marketing, newsletters, local directory updates (Google Business, Alignable, etc.).


Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing involves creating content on different social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to engage with users and build relationships with current and potential customers. Most customer leads will research you online (sometimes extensively, depending on the customer, the service, or item you’re selling). Your goal is to give them a consistent message and tone of your company and build trust.


Digital Advertising:

Digital advertising involves using various platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other ad networks to reach potential customers with targeted ads. Google Ads gives you an array of ways to advertise: text based ads, video ads, display (image) ads and more.


Email Marketing:

Email marketing involves using email to send promotional content and newsletters to existing and potential customers. Encouraging your website visitors to sign up for your newsletter is a good place to start. This allows your company to periodically send information to your list about current specials, new products and company news.

The goal of digital marketing is to reach customers online and increase your brand awareness. Be sure to have a marketing plan in place so you can assign tasks, project completion dates and goals for each campaign. If you need assistance, we can help! We are heading into the New Year so it’s a perfect time to evaluate your company’s performance and pivot into something new. Please contact us today so we can learn more about your company and how we can help.