While there’s a lot that goes into search engine optimization, one of the least talked about is website security. We’re not sure why, though. If your website gets hacked, Google will crawl your website, find those pages, and index them. That creates a host of issues, including the ones below.

Why Website Security Should Be a Part of SEO

Small Ranking Boost

Website security is crucial for on-page search engine optimization (SEO) because it can affect a website’s search engine rankings. Google, for instance, has stated that secure websites (those with HTTPS encryption) are given a small ranking boost. This is because secure websites provide a safer and more trustworthy browsing experience for users. In addition, website security can prevent hacking and malware attacks, which can negatively impact a website’s SEO. Read more on Google Webmaster’s Central Blog.

Why Website Security Should Be a Part of SEO

Page Speed

Another way website security can improve on-page SEO is by increasing the website’s loading speed. SSL/TLS certificates, which are used to secure a website, can also enable HTTP/2 protocol that allows for faster loading times. This is important because Google has indicated that site speed is a ranking factor. A faster website can also improve user experience and engagement, which can lead to better SEO performance. (Read More on SEMrush)

Why Website Security Should Be a Part of SEO

Reduce Bounce Rates

Website security can also improve on-page SEO by reducing bounce rates. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page. If a website is not secure, visitors may be more likely to leave immediately due to security concerns. By implementing website security measures, such as SSL/TLS certificates, a website can increase trust and reduce bounce rates. This can improve SEO performance by indicating to search engines that the website is providing a positive user experience. (Source: Moz)

Why Website Security Should Be a Part of SEO

Protect Your Brand

Finally, website security can protect a website’s reputation and brand. A security breach can result in the loss of sensitive customer information, damage to the website’s reputation, and loss of revenue. By prioritizing website security, a website can protect its brand and reputation. This can lead to higher customer trust and loyalty, which can positively impact SEO performance. (Source: Forbes)

Contact us today to learn how we can help make sure your website is secure.